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Imagine having 52 new videos on your YouTube channel by the end of the year. Could you commit to creating ONE new video each week? That’s all it would take and we are certain that this would make an incredible difference in your business – don’t you think?
We’re going to help take some of the workload off your shoulders and give you dozens of ideas of YouTube video ideas for your real estate business. Let’s get started….
We divided the videos into a few different categories, so click to jump to a specific topic.
(video created by Christophe Choo)
(video created by Kathy Williams)
(Video created by Vanessa Reilly)
(Video created by Javier Vidana)
(Video created by @movingtooklahomacity)
(Video by @RealtorStacie)
Our advice would be to just do it. Every video gets easier. You don’t need any equipment other than your phone and you can start creating. Once you’re comfortable being on camera and you are filming in multiple locations, you can spend the extra money on a microphone, ring light, tripod and any editing software you may need. But for the first few months, just create something and be yourself!
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I’ve helped hundreds of agents build successful businesses, generate more leads, and expand their teams into multiple states.
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