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As real estate agents, we know that you are bombarded with all the latest gadgets and apps, but SavvyCard is simple to set up and will help you easily connect with potential clients and your sphere in today’s mobile environment.
Think of it as a mobile business card on steroids. SavvyCards work on iPhones, Droids and any Internet-enabled devices and allow you to create a professional mobile marketing app with dozens of ways for people to connect with you (i.e. websites, text, social links, etc). Even though you can use it as an online business card, your SavvyCard is far more flexible and powerful and can be used for so much more. A few examples include:
LANDING PAGES – Your SavvyCard could be used as landing pages for marketing campaigns
EMAIL SIGNATURE – Add a link to your SavvyCard in your email signature and/or in email marketing campaigns, showing potential home buyers and sellers how they can access you 24/7
SOCIAL MEDIA – Share the URL on Twitter and Facebook along with a special offer or call to action
REFERRALS – If you are asking for referrals from past clients, make sure they have your SavvyCard so they can share with their friends, family, and co-workers. We all love to share, that’s why Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are so popular. Let SavvyCard turbo-charge your referrals this year!
PROMOTE LISTINGS – You can create a separate SavvyCard for each real estate listing that you have. Potential buyers will be able to link to photos, maps, descriptions and they will have the ability to quickly sent you a text message or call you directly. Pretty “savvy,” right?
The Savvy Card also has a QR code associated with each app, so you could use that QR code on your listing sign.
It’s easy to create your SavvyCard and the tool is user-friendly. You can set it up in as little as 2 minutes or for a more detailed mobile marketing app, it may take as much as 15 minutes.
When it is time to share your SavvyCard with others, it’s as easy as sharing a URL. The recipient of your savvy app can then call, text, email, access social media, access your website(s), add affiliates, take notes and share links with others.
Editor’s note: This article was created by Kerry Lucasse, Agent/Owner at eXp Realty. Information deemed reliable but is subject to change.
At Building Better Agents, we are dedicated to helping agents build successful real estate careers. We help agents develop a plan, build a database, and work smarter to uncover the keys to success as a real estate agent. All without cold calling, door knocking, and chasing expired listings. Building Better Agents Leaders Kerry Lucasse and Kary Perry are proud to be agents with eXp Realty.
For more information, please contact us today!
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